Introducing Trephinations: Drilling Down On....


This is my brain!

This is my brain being scanned for the sake of science (while I am watching a Simpsons episode in NYU's Department of Neurology).

I have also had my brain scanned to rule out potential causes of my myasthenia gravis.

And soon my brain will be part of a neuromorphometry study using advanced imaging techniques and conventional neuropsych testing of memory, language, attention, visual and spatial skills.

But is not a blog about my brain. Or about me.

It's about my commitment to help each and every one of us embrace, understand and advocate for our own well being...and for the well being of those in our circles and care...especially in times and circumstances of challenge and uncertainty.

And while Trephinations will tackle even the most complex and controversial of medical issues head-on, it will do so with fresh perspective, healthy doses of good humor, and helpful decision-making tools and guides that enable us to make the most of whatever hands we are dealt.

For every good reason, we hope you will join us!


Wendy Dubit and
The Trephinations....